
Dictionary.com.png, originally uploaded by philshoe_2000.

This is a app on words as you can see it is 2.31MB this is a lot bigger then the version I have on my phone now. The one that can with my phone is only 784KB. So I will stay with the old version I have for now. I only have 189MB for my apps on my phone and at 64% full right now. I’m going to need a new phone very soon. LOL So you really do not have to have the App you can use http://m.dictionary.com/d/ but the app makes it easier.
Please visit my Web Site http://philshoe.com and look around. God Bless

Here are some of the web site that have Dictionaries

The first one is for your Phone


This one is Your Dictionary

Merriam Webster

The Free Dictionary

That is just the name they are all FREE to use.
Hope this is of some help to my internet friends and family
below you can read my Blog on this
God Bless

About philshoe

I am disabled with COPD and taught my self the computer. I love working with Picture. Hate Spammer and liars. God Bless all my online fiends Plus I love to help people.
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